Monday, April 5, 2010

Prayer Cards and a Book for YOU

A new giveaway! Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day for the other giveaway. With my Bible study at church, we read through the book A Praying Life
by Paul E. Miller. Honestly, I was not thrilled about reading this book. I guess I just thought it would say the things that I had already heard or read that just didn't work for me. I WAS WRONG!
This book was so real and refreshing. I found that it spoke to my heart about prayer. It was an easy read on a difficult subject.
It also gave me a great idea for using prayer cards that is actually working for me. Prayer lists and journaling had not been too effective for me.
I have permission from NavPress to share Paul E. Miller's guidelines for creating prayer cards.
  1. Use short phrases to create a snapshot of a person's life to help the cards work for you.
  2. When praying for the person, pick out one or two key areas and pray for them. Miller doesn't linger over a card for more than a few seconds.
  3. Use Scripture to express your desire for the person or a situation.
  4. The card does not change much. Miller may add a new line once a year or so for something that is an ongoing area of the person's life that needs prayer.
  5. Miller does not write down answers since they are obvious to him.
  6. Miller sometimes dates a prayer request by putting the month and year.
The prayer card helps me to focus on one person at a time. As you can see in the picture above, I "bold-faced" some key words by going over my handwriting twice. You can see many of the verses I chose to use for us. I spent a lot of time in the Bible looking up verses on different subjects deciding how I really wanted to pray for us. Now these cards are actually helping me to memorize more added bonus.
Above are my immediate family members' cards. In chapter 27, where Miller discusses the prayer cards, he also explains about cards for those suffering, non-Christians, and friends.
I keep my prayer cards above the kitchen sink. It works for me, though I don't change the cards with wet hands. My cards are a bit larger than the suggested 3x5, but they work for me for now.

This blog post shares enough to get you started, but if you are interested in reading A Praying Life, NavPress has agreed to give a copy to one of our readers!
For a chance to win A Praying Life, leave a comment below telling me why you would like it. Make sure I have a way to contact you!
For a bonus entry, leave an additional comment if you follow me through Google Friends Connect. (If not, just click the button to follow in the sidebar!) Giveaway ends Sunday, April 11th, at 9pm. Winner will be chosen by
A Praying Life, Paul E. Miller, copyright 2009. Used by permission of NavPress, all rights reserved. This post is just about a book that I like and a system that works for me. I was not provided the book for review.


  1. This sounds like a wonderful book! One that I definitely could benefit from. Hope I'm a winner! :)

  2. Annette,

    I clicked over to thank you for your comment on my (guest) hospitality post. I was surprised and excited to read your review of this book, because my small group just began reading it!

    I will be interested to read your post again once I'm further along in the book.

  3. Oh man, this sounds awesome! I could totally use something about prayer, I'm always up for learning more.

  4. I'm a follower, and a place to get this mentioned would be on Winning Readings.

  5. Annette,

    Thank you so much for coming over to my blog! It was a pleasure to have you. Yes, the Lord is working away on bringing us children and I just can't wait to meet them!

    Sounds like a great read! I honestly am terrible about prayer. It's an area I need improvement on BIG TIME! I have no excuse why I don't pray more for the things going on. That sounds really terrible doesn't it!?! I suppose my excuse is that I just trust that whatever the Lord is up to in my own life I know it's for His glory. But I have NO excuses for not praying about everything else. Good thing He's got lots of grace for me huh?!

    Again, nice to 'meet' you and please do come by again!

  6. We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

    And I'd love to read this! I could use some motivation and inspiration in my prayer life...

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  7. I think this would be good for me and learning more.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  8. I'm a follower via GFC.


  9. Who couldn't include more prayer in her life. I'd love to read this and focus with the prayer cards.


  10. I could always use a book like this. Going through tough times, prayer always helps.

  11. As a mom of 2 preschoolers I struggle to include prayer throughout my day and to make sure praying with my kids throughout the day is a priority.


  12. This is an area of my lift that needs improvement. Please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  13. I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.

  14. I love to read about prayer so I would love to win this! Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.

  15. And I follow :-)

  16. Sounds neat - I like the card idea. I'd like to win it because my prayer life needs work

  17. What a refreshing book...I know that I would enjoy reading it. And I love the idea of 'prayer cards.' Awesome!!!

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  18. I would love to read this book. I would love to read a book that would speak to me about prayer.

  19. I'm a follower via GFC.

  20. Please enter my name in your drawing. I always love new tools that draw me closer to our Savior!

  21. Did you mean APRIL 11th? I'm always up for a new book, and I love your prayer cards.
