Friday, April 2, 2010

Polka Dotted and Striped Eggs

Don't forget to enter our giveaway!

We had some fun making these eggs.  M's favorite part was squirting glue all over the paper eggs!  Last year we made button eggs, but this year we added the rickrack to them for stripes.  I think it adds a great touch!

Two cautions: 1) Little girls with long hair need their hair in pony tails, bun, hair that you are not attempting to scrape glue out of her hair for so long.  2)  If you have a 1 1/2 year old child...they might be a bit young for this if you have not done many other crafts together.  E put four buttons on an egg, but really he wanted to eat the buttons and play in the glue.  Silly me.


  1. I think those eggs look very nice. It sounds like E got a little overexcited with all the possibilities, but surely next year he will be quite ready for his own crafts.

  2. Great creative eggs. Have a wonderful Easter!

  3. Those turned out great! Happy Easter!!


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