Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Tough Goodbye Made Better

Am I the only one who takes great comfort in winter?  I do not mean cold weather or cloudy, dreary days, or long, long dark evenings.

I take great comfort in wearing layers of clothing...always two long sleeve layers.  (Sometimes a tank top, too.)  I'm always cold!  My feet like comfort, too.  

Last year (probably fall) I got my first pair of Crocs.  Comfort and warmth.  (They are lined.)  Initially I thought I would wear them around the house and down the driveway for the bus.  I was so wrong.  Despite the fact that these are not beautiful, I lived in them all winter.  I wore them everywhere.  When we traveled at Christmas they were the only shoes I I wore them to church.  Want to hear what's worse?  One Sunday I was on my way out the door to church, and I looked down and saw that I was wearing my ugly, brown, oh-so-comfortable-Crocs, and I did NOT change my shoes!  (In my defense I was with the toddlers that day and not worshiping with the adults.)  I have shoveled snow multiple times in these clogs and my toes have stayed toasty and dry the whole time!  They make the daily trip out to the bus bare feet.  (One day I forgot to take off my slippers.  My feet were quite chilly that day, though they were covered about the same.  Somehow these Crocs are that much warmer.)
I am all about comfort.  (Not style.  Can you tell?)  And as much as I look forward to spring I don't look forward to saying goodbye to my Crocs.
Until NOW!

These are my new little Crocs.  Perfectly acceptable to wear in warm weather.   Probably not acceptable to wear with my little white athletic socks though.

When Derek saw them he asked if I got them so I could wear them to church.  Hmm.  Definitely!  And just for the record, I wore them out today, and they are quite comfortable (though my feet do sweat more than I am used to).

Happy spring!  Welcome warm weather, green grass, and time outside!  What will you miss about winter?

These shoes were not provided by  Crocs company.  I just happen to like these shoes.  A LOT.


  1. I have the exact same one and LOVE them! The best part, I am going on my 3rd summer with them and they look exactly the same! They have a bunch of new styles out this spring too that have heels and everything!

  2. I have never worn Crocs. I like the way they look on other people, but I think my feet look huge in them! My daughter loves hers and lives in them; they are pink of course. I really like the look of your new pair, maybe those will look better on my big feet!

  3. They look cute. I'm eagerly looking forward to getting out my summer shoes.

  4. I'm the same way. I have lived in my crocs all winter and absolutely love them. I'm often on my feet most of the day and my feet love them too.

  5. I didn't realize Crocs were warm. I might have to try a pair, come fall!


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