Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Showing Off Artwork

I keep a handful of M's artwork from school (mittens below), but mostly I like to keep projects that we do together. My fridge can only handle so much, so this past week I started hanging projects in our cupboards.

First I explained to M that every time I opened the cupboard doors, I would get a special surprise. Then I showed her the surprise! She loved seeing them hanging inside. When her daddy came home, she showed him the surprise, too. And my refrigerator isn't quite as crowded now.

These cupboards are displaying a pair of mittens (from school) and city (from home) and E's first scribble drawing.

How do you organize artwork?  When I was a teacher I used a clothesline and had colorful clothespins.  It was a hit!


  1. Good idea - that just might work in our house.

  2. Pretty much all of ours goes into a bin to be used for wrapping paper...... It works for us.

  3. We've done that too. Especially works well when you have one that gets upset when you throw any of their artwork away. I got in trouble just yesterday for taking down the card Drew made for Ryan for Valentines. In his new room I am putting cork board up on his closet doors.

  4. I like "surprise" idea - we might hang some artwork in Anna's cabinets. We display her latest and greatest on the whiteboard in the kitchen.

  5. I love that idea! Going to try it right now. :)


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