Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Free E-books for Children

I just wanted to share a few sites for some free children's books that you can read with your child on the computer.   And yes, when we are talking about preschool age, I still think a parent should be involved with reading books on the computer, even the audio books.  I do prefer print books, especially for children, but think e-books can serve a good purpose in educating children, too.

Children's Books Forever-available in PDF form or use them with Power Point, overhead projector, or print.  These are also available in other languages!  A lot of "classics" are available.
Concordia Publishing House-Christian audio children's books!  We listened to two of them, and both of my children really liked them.  My own opinion is that one of the readers had a much better "reading voice" than the other.  This site is also really great for beginning readers because it highlights the words as they are spoken!
Dr. Seuss books for download, though only available through March 31, 2010.  Please note that I have not personally tried this source.
Wizz-e has two animated e-books available for free, with audio and highlighted words.  This is another resource I cannot recommend based on experience, but still wanted to share it with you.

Please let me know what sites you use for ebooks, if any, and if you explore any of these!  Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Through our public library we have access to Tumblebooks (tumblebooks.com). It's pretty awesome and has many books to choose from. You might want to ask if your library has something similar as well.


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