Friday, February 5, 2010

Play-Doh Fun

M really enjoys Play-Doh.  She was introduced to it more than a year ago by her (now former) speech therapist.  When I saw how well she responded to it and actually made sounds, we bought the duffle-bag Play-Doh kit (but I am pretty sure we paid around $10-12 for it, not $18).   It is perfect for us.

It can hang in our pantry when it is not in use, and it has enough tools to entertain M for a few more years.

For the longest time M needed a lot of help with Play-Doh.  I am happy to say she has gotten more independent and creative with it.

Here she is displaying her favorite dinner: spaghetti and meatballs.  Yes, we are still a one-color home.  Typically she will use several colors in a sitting, but never at the same time.

The Play-Doh place mat is something I made several months ago.


  1. LOVE playing with Play-doh! The smell alone brings me back to my childhood!!

    ~ Jennifer

  2. We love playdoh here too, and I am trying to introduce more variations to Anna's standard "let's make cookies" play. These spaghettis are hilarious.

  3. I am so glad that M still enjoys Play-doh!! She loved it so much and we were able to get some great therapy sessions out of it!!


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