Thursday, January 21, 2010

Confession Time

Yes, that is my son picking up Kix off the floor.  Did you notice his bulging hands?

He did not take them to the garbage...he ate them.

To my credit, I didn't let him take them out of the dustpan.  Now those were dirty!

What nasty things do you let your kids do?  I'd love to hear them.


  1. Looks a lot like my son. He's 13 months old and I swear he'll eat more food off of the floor than he will off of his highchair tray. Maybe it's a boy thing? lol.

  2. I think eating food of the floor is the only thing I can come up with right now (wink, wink)

    ~ Jennifer

  3. We've never done that at our house, honest.......


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