Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Button Snowflake

We don't "do" glitter in our home.  Derek has a strong dislike for it.  :)  Frankly, I'm not fond of the mess it makes after the project is completed either.

We have lots of craft sticks, and I wanted to celebrate our snow with a snow craft.  So we made these snowflakes as a variation to glitter snowflakes that I have seen a lot.

Mine were pretty simple.  I glued the four craft sticks together and painted them with white acrylic paint when the glue dried.  (I think silver would look great!)  I wanted M (age 3) to help, so I only used craft glue to attach the buttons, but hot glue may hold better.  M had great fun choosing white buttons and placing them on the glue.  We used a ribbon so that it could be an ornament.

We made a bunch of these button snowflakes.  We kept one for our Christmas tree, and gave the rest away.

We gave one to our neighbors.  They are a family of eight, so I wrote each person's name on a "spoke" with the year 2009 in the center.

(Since the children are both sick...the messy variety...posting may continue to be sporadic as I use the evenings after they are in bed to recover from the day.)


  1. I have wanted to make one of these for a long time and I always forget. Tom despises glitter too. we usually do glitter projects outside or use glitter glue. I hope everyone feels better soon.

  2. That is a neat idea!

    I have an award for you:

  3. We don't do glitter either - even dried glitter projects that Anna brings from school shed mercilessly. I really like how your snowflakes turned out. I hope that the kids feel better soon.

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