Saturday, November 14, 2009

Puzzle Book

M, age 3, loves puzzles. We have many wooden puzzles, but this Sesame Street: School Days Puzzle BOOK is my favorite (and maybe M's too). I think I've shared this before, but thought I would again. It's my favorite because it is a puzzle book. M likes it because it's Sesame Street.
1. 5 puzzles in one book.
2. 16 pieces each.
3. There is a picture under the puzzle, but if your child doesn't need it, they can put it together without looking, too.
4. Easy's a book!
5. Each puzzle's backing has a different color, so if they are all out at once, it would be easy to sort the pieces.
1. Abby Cadabby isn't in it. (Well, it was a disappointment for M.)
2. It might be hard to find. A Google search wasn't so productive, though I did find other Sesame Street puzzle books.

For other puzzle ideas/reviews you can check out Izzie, Mac, and Me's Christmas Reviews of Games and Puzzles.


  1. Looks like a great book that he loves! I really like the "idea" of puzzle books, but in experience I've found that they spill all over the place when M tries to read them like a regular book and turn the pages. Sigh, maybe it's just us. There are so many good ones out there, but I always pass them by for this reason. Thanks for sharing about this one!!

  2. We have several of these books and they are well loved. Let me tell you what I've learned:
    - The picture under the puzzle is not always to the same scale. This is insanely frustrating to a child who thinks it is.
    - Not all of the books have the color coded backs. This is INSANELY frustrating for the mama. Esp. if daddy's puzzle skills are worse than the child's.
    - Some of the books only have the picture on the facing page, and then much smaller. This is the second best.

  3. I was unaware of puzzle books...this is genius! Really like the 2 different ways to play and that each puzzle is color coordinated. I'll have to keep my eyes open for this. Thanks for linking up!

  4. We have a similar Sesame street puzzle book about outside activities and healthy living, and Abby Cadabby is in it. We also have another one with ponys. Anna likes them OK, but I agree with Nicole - it's frustrating when they don't stay in the book, especially when she just completed a puzzle and turns the page.

  5. We have this same book and D loves it! I am giving away a $25 Amazon gift card and you can get some extra entries if you link this post up with my weekly Toys post. There is still one open from last week and a new one will be coming on Thursday:)

  6. Thank you for linking up! I am going to add your extra entries. Have a great weekend!


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