Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Walls of Jericho

This week we read and talked about how Joshua fought the battle at Jericho. We didn't do a lot except read the story and build many variations of the walls of Jericho. Then our Little People and Lego people would march around the city seven times, we'd blow horns, yell, and the walls would come down. (Our pretend account wasn't fully accurate.) We used alphabet blocks.
We used Lego Duplo blocks.
The best part was making the walls come down! Even E got in on the action!
I was amazed at how many times we built the walls of Jericho! M would say "again" so many times!
Of course we listenend to "Joshua Fought the Battle at Jericho."
Included in Hubbard's Cupboard's weekly lesson plans were some Jericho and Humpty Dumpty ideas. You can see our Humpty Dumpty paper craft here.


  1. cute idea. i'm starting to really like these Hubbard's Cupboard plans you use.

  2. I really adore this idea. The walls of Jericho! I've been wanting to post more activities that we do as Bible lessons. This would be perfect for my little ones. Thanks so much. Yo ublog background is super cute!


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