Thursday, October 29, 2009

stART: Mouse Paint

M is home from preschool this week (with a little rash), so we had some extra creative time.
We borrowed the book Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh from the library. It is really, really cute. Three little mice who jump in some paint. Then they walk in some puddles creating new colors. It is super for showing children how to mix primary colors to make new colors.
For our ( story + art= a great) stART, I read the book again while doing the project. Each jar of paint was a blob of paint on the paper. We pretended the q-tips were the mice's feet. And then we mixed colors.
This was fun, but I think we could revisit this again when she's older. I did this spur of the moment, but there are lots of activities out there. Here is one site of ideas.
For other stART activities, visit A Mommy's Adventures.


  1. What a great project. Thank you for linking up :0)

  2. Mouse Paint is a cute story. My son loved it. It definitely helped him identify different colors. I love how you brought a pretend element into it.

  3. We also enjoyed Mouse Paint - it's a great book. This project of color mixing with q-tips is great. I am not even sure if Anna ever painted with q-tips, it sounds like fun.

  4. Sounds pretty good for spur of the moment. Sometimes those are the projects that are the most fun.

  5. Mouse Paint is one of my Favorite books. So fun. I have seen it where people put red, yellow and blue jello in ziplocs and have the kiddos squish the bags to make orange, green and purple jello. We haven't done this yet though.

  6. We love this book. After reading the book, I let my daughter use some bathtub paint during bath time one night. She had so much fun mixing the colors "just like the mice!"

  7. We like that book too - I think this was a great idea!

  8. Mouse Paint is one of our favorite books. We also love Mouse Count. C loves to mix colors with purpose, but R just wants to mix all of the colors together and it is okay that she always gets brown!

  9. We love this book as well, but I would never have thought of q-tips for the mouse prints. What a great idea!

  10. Love the idea of using qtips as mice feet in the paint!

  11. We haven't read this book...looks like a lot of fun. Nice painting!

  12. I like how you pretended that the q-tips were the mice feet! Cute.


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