Monday, October 19, 2009

The First Day

For those of you keeping up with us, today was M's first day of school in her speech and language classroom. When she woke up, she was concerned that the sun was not up yet. It was a bit early (especially with a little boy who was up most of the night).
M had a great day from the teacher and bus driver's reports! M also told me that it was fun. I am so glad she liked it and had fun. She did fall asleep on the way home, but it was almost nap time.
Thanks for your prayers! I just hope every day goes so well!
I will also warn you that my posts might not come too frequently now that my main subject is in a school of her own. (Pun intended. hehe.)


  1. I am glad she had a great time. That is so cute she fell asleep on the way home.

  2. I am glad that all went well. I hope that Meghan will continue to thrive at school.


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