Friday, September 11, 2009

Jump Count

I've been really trying to figure out how to best get M involved in numbers-counting, identifying, anything!  I know that she is a very physical child, and have tried something similar to this outside with sidewalk chalk.  She was only interested for about twelve seconds though.

I wrote numbers on construction paper, laid them out in order, and started jumping and counting.  M was immediately interested.  So was E.  (He promptly went to the exersaucer so he didn't eat the paper!)

M wouldn't count when she was jumping, but she would count aloud when I would jump, so we took turns.  After about ten minutes I asked for a break!

We started out with numbers 1-6.  With her being so interested, after a couple days, I added numbers 7-10, but it seemed to be too much.  She just wanted to run down the length of the paper.

M would lay the numbers out, saying each number.  When it was time to clean up, she would do the same. 

Thank you, Crystal, from The Harris Family for another great idea.  She and I think a lot alike!  She made three games out of this, so go check it out.
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  1. I am glad she liked it. It Aubrey's favorite.

  2. Great idea, especially if you have a kinetic learner. M looks very pleased with herself.


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