Thursday, July 30, 2009

Physical Play

The talk over to ABC and 123 is physical activity. Our M is very physical. She seems to need additional sensory stimulation, and we do try to give it to her. Her occupational therapist suggested several things. I'm happy to say they are things we encouraged her to do naturally, because M wanted to do them. Some things that her therapist had suggested were lifting heavy items like gallon jugs, pushing full laundry baskets, and giving her lots of bear hugs (especially from behind). M loves to run. We do play outside, but M is a runner. No, she doesn't go for a run with Daddy, instead she runs away from us! She is fast, too. This summer I am happy to say that she doesn't run off as often as she used to. The more time we spend outside, the more she seems to understand her boundaries. At least she will stay in the backyard unless she hears a neighbor or sees one. Then she aims for the friend she sees. Our yard is not fenced in on all sides, just in the back boundary by a field. We don't incorporate physical activity into our routine, (unless you count the used-to-be-daily walk with the kids in the stroller for most of the walk) but some of it happens inside our home easily. We have an indoor slide with climber (Kangaroo Climber by Step 2) and a toddler's trampoline. She enjoys both. M will often instigate pillow fights and squeals with delight as we duke it out. She also asks for "chase" almost every day, often many times a day. The game of chase is played inside going around in a big circle through the hall, play room, living room, and back to the hall. The adult just walks fast, chasing M. She runs and laughs the whole time. We also had a dirt pile that M loved to dig using her shovel. She could spend an hour playing in it. Since we also have a rock pile (big rocks dug out of our yard), she also likes moving them. We also have this great pool with detachable slide.
Every day she climbs all over us. She particulary likes to surf on her dad's back as he lays on the floor. She also loves it when Daddy lifts her high so she can hold on to the molding around a doorway. It looks like she's doing chin ups...but she's not the one doing the work! M is very physical, but she'll also sit and read for extended periods of time. I think it's important to have a balance...but my personality is more of the sit and play. I am usually up for a game of chase as long as I can put a stop to it after five or ten minutes.
Here M is jumping on bubble wrap. It was lots of fun to watch, so it must have been fun for her, too!
For more physical activities fun, check out ABC and 123!


  1. If only we could borrow some energy from our children!

  2. It sounds like M does a lot of the same things Aubrey does. Its so cute she like pillow fights.

  3. I love bubble wrap too.
    Physical activity is so important for kids. It looks like Meghan has plenty :)

  4. It's fun to read how other kids find outlets for their energy. A lot of what Meghan does sounds very much like Anna - we also play chasing games, bouncing games, and Anna loves being barefoot. But she never runs away from us - she is a cautious child that way. I wonder how Evan will be when he is older - usually boys are even more energetic than girls/

  5. I love the way you've incorporated physical activity inside your home as well as outside!

    I am going to try the mini tramp!!

    Thanks for sharing your ideas.


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