Friday, August 14, 2009

Moon Magic

I was really excited to study the seven days of Creation with M. She loves the moon and stars. She enjoys asking us to draw them and has even tried on her own a bit. As much as she enjoys seeing pictures of the moon, she loves seeing it in the or night! This was the perfect opportunity to do a bit of magic painting. Ahead of time I used a white crayon to draw the moon and lots of small stars on white paper. M used watered-down black tempera paint to cover the paper. If you look closely, you can see some stars in the picture. The moon is a bit harder to see though.
When I do this again, I will use water colors instead. I think it will show better. Some other ideas for the magic painting might be a special birthday message or even the letter or number you are studying. For older kids they might like to write secret messages to one another or even vocabulary words or a Bible verse they are trying to memorize.


  1. I have tried doing this a few times and I must be doing something wrong because the secret pictures barely show through. I have never tried watercolors though, maybe that is the secret.

  2. Brilliant! I am so doing that this week when we study the moon!

  3. we love crayon resist pictures and paintings!

    great job!

  4. I am going to have to remember this idea. Thank you.

  5. I haven't tried this myself, but someone has mentioned that you need to use cardstock paper and watercolors. It looks great though!

  6. I would love to try this with my 4 year old. He would think it is so neat!

  7. What a great art activity! I have some "magic picture" pages ready for my little one to do too, we just need to get around to it. I use a white oil pastel crayon to draw the pictures. Regular crayon never seems to work well with this activity for me. Looks like she had fun!


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