Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Little Box

This began as a simple, unfinished box. (The pencil is there to show size.)

First I covered it in green paint that I had mixed. I'm not a big fan of painted wood (especially in pastel colors), so my solution was to break up the green. I dry-brushed a bright/dark blue on the green.

To dry-brush, I dipped the brush in the blue paint. Then I removed most of the paint on a paper towel. Then I lightly touched the brush to the box over and over again. It was fun for me.

The finishing touch required the help of my Craft Night friends at church. They bring a Cricut machine to cut letters each time we get together. I used the Cricut to cut the "M." I really liked the boxed effect. (It's all one piece.)

I used Mod Podge for the first time to attach the "M." I used a sponge brush, brushing along the grain of the wood, to cover the top with Mod Podge. I carefully placed the "M" on the box, using a toothpick to adjust it a bit. Then I placed a couple more layers of Mod Podge on the top.

Inside are teeny, tiny little hair clips for M's hair.

If you liked this project, stay tuned later this week for another, but very different, personalized clip holder.


  1. Very Cute. I love Mod Podge. I once did an entire coffee table Mod Podged with old photographs. It looked amazing!

    Have a great day!

  2. Very cute and great way to store those tiny things...ours are just all over the house.

  3. Very cute! I also love modge podge, it ive very handy for lots of things!

  4. Fun box! Don't you just love Mod Podge?? Careful, it's addicting!! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity!!
    ~Andy @ Poppies at Play

  5. What a wonderful little box! Mod Podge might be the best thing in the world. But maybe I'm biased :D


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