Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Egg Carton Shake

Traditional ways of practicing numbers just has not worked for us. Books. Games. Puzzles.
M will count (once in a while) for hide and seek. She also counted grapes as she pulled them off a bunch last week!
Here's a pretty physical game to help a child identify and distinguish between 1, 2, I, and L. It's the Egg Carton Shake game from Hubbard's Cupboard. I taped in the numbers/letters. Then we put in a button and shook it up! Wherever the button landed M told me what she saw. She knew all of them already, but soon we'll add more numbers. It's a good, active game for us...yet it still didn't do super to hold her attention, but we played for a few minutes the first time we played.


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